Restorative/Cosmetic Dentistry

With Mebane Oaks Family Dentistry, you can get the smile you deserve. We offer: 

  • Dental Fillings

    We utilize tooth-colored restorative material to repair chipped, cracked, broken, and decayed teeth! You can prevent more extensive dental work from being necessary by identifying and addressing tooth decay in its early stages with a filling.

  • Crown/Bridge/Veneer

    Full coverage crowns are sometimes necessary to help strengthen/protect teeth that have been severely compromised from a large decay, chipping, or large existing restorations that puts the tooth at risk for fractures.

    Veneers are a great conservative way to improve a smile esthetically by removing minimal tooth structure. Give us a call for more information to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure!

    Bridges can be used to replace a missing tooth by utilizing full coverage crowns on adjacent teeth as anchors.

  • Dental Implants

    Dental implants can also be utilized to replace missing teeth! They are carefully planned using our 3D imaging and precise surgical guides made to fit your anatomy. Once the implants are firmly in place, we will restore the implants with a tooth-colored crown!

  • Dentures and Partials

    A denture or partial is a removable replacement for multiple missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Our dentist will thoroughly conduct an exam to see which option would be best for your needs.

  • Root Canal Therapy

    Sometimes when decay and/or fractures extend to or close to the tooth nerve, a root canal is deemed necessary. Depending on the complexity of the case, we will remove the diseased nerve and replace it with a biocompatible filler.